In-Person and Virtual Services
Appointments are available in-person at our Toronto Psychology Clinic as well as by our North York psychologists at our offices there.
Virtual sessions are also available for all sessions except assessments, which are done in-person.
Step Stone Psychology is a unique multidisciplinary service comprising caring, skilled clinicians offering comprehensive, evidence-based assessment and treatment/therapy services for a full range of needs and concerns across the lifespan. Step Stone Psychology is the next step towards understanding and well-being.
Services are available in English, French, and Russian.
Get to know us as we get to know you
We offer a complementary twenty-minute “meet and greet” in-person, via secure online video, or by telephone to get to know you, discuss your needs, and to explore together whether our team is a “fit” for you and the work you wish to do.

Treatment & Psychotherapy
Whether it is your first time talking to someone, or a next step in your therapy journey, we are here to create a care plan that is unique to you.
Our Toronto team of psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers, integrate therapy and treatment methods from a range of approaches including:
- Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Psychodynamic/Relational Therapy
- Solution-focused and supportive Counselling
- Mindfulness-based therapies
- Motivational Interviewing
- Gender Exploration and Transition
Counselling - Couples Therapy (EFT and integrative approaches)
- Career Counselling and Development
- Parenting/Caregiving and AttachmentModels
- Infant-Parent Therapy
- Family Systems Therapy
- Play Therapy
Group Therapy
Step Stone Psychology’s group therapies offer a unique opportunity to learn, build skills, and connect with others who have similar needs and lived experiences. With a commitment to excellence, Step Stone Psychology groups always feature highly trained facilitators delivering skillfully-developed, evidence-based programs.
Our group therapy sessions are conducted at our Toronto and North York Psychology Clinics and many are offered virtually through a secure online video platform.
Our current and upcoming groups…

Assessment Services
Our Psychologists will work with you to explore the best assessment approach for your needs.
We offer comprehensive Psychodiagnostic, Neuropsychological, Forensic Youth, and Psychoeducational Assessments
We tailor all assessments and recommendations to suit clients’ individual needs, generating easy to read, user-friendly reports to help guide treatment, workplace and academic accommodations.
Assessment Fees
Fees vary depending upon the complexity of assessment needs, some sliding scale options also exist, please contact us at our Toronto Psychology Clinic for more details at: 416 551-7284. Reduced rates are available should clients be interested in incorporating the services of supervised interns, students, and trainees in portions of their assessment.
Fees are payable by cash, cheque, credit card, or Internet payment/e-Transfer.
Evidence-based Treatment & Assessment for the following:
Step Stone provides individualized, evidence-based therapy and treatment for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families for a wide range of needs, including:
- Trauma, Abuse Experiences, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Mood (e.g., sadness, depression, irritability, etc. )
- Anxiety (e.g., generalized, social anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, phobias, panic, separation, etc.)
- Sleep Difficulties
- Anger and Assertiveness
- Emotion Dysregulation Difficulties
- Addictions (e.g., alcohol, substances)
- Body Image/Body Acceptance concerns
- Eating Disorders
- Youth Forensic Concerns
- Needle Phobia and all specific phobias
- Chronic Pain
- Existential Concerns
- Self-esteem and self-concept Issues
- Marriage/Relationship Issues
- Family Functioning
- Prenatal and Postnatal ParentFunctioning and Mental Health (e.g., postpartum depression)
- Infant-Parent Relational Concerns
- Parenting/Co-Parenting,Caregiving/Co-caregiving
- Parent/Caregiver Support in context with child/youth illness
- Sexuality, Sexual Identity and Coming Out
- Gender Identity, Gender Dysphoria,
- Gender Transition, Gender-affirming
Surgeries - Educational/Learning difficulties
Autism Spectrum Disorder - Neurodevelopmental concerns
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Workplace Stress/General Life Stress
Career Exploration, Development, and Transition - Life Stage Transitions
- Grief and Loss
Toronto Psychology Office
600 Sherbourne Street, Suite 312
North York Psychology Office
137 Finch Avenue W
416-551-7284 (PATH)
Fax: (844) 966-0732