Let's work together
You are not alone. We will walk alongside you, to help you navigate challenges and show you how to build healthy relationships and supportive systems towards the achievement of your goals.
Step Stone Psychology is dedicated to providing cutting-edge, evidence-based assessment and therapy services through comprehensive expertise that reaches beyond the therapy or assessment room. Look to us to provide assistance and advocacy specific to your unique needs and circumstances.
We provide Psychological Treatment, Counselling/Psychotherapy (individual and group- based), as well as Assessment Services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, parents, and families in Toronto and North York.
Services are available in English, French, and Russian.
Individualized approach
Our Toronto team’s approach honours your own unique context, perspectives, and abilities.
We collaborate with you to build self-understanding through the exploration and identification of concerns that cause you or those you love difficulty.
We work with you towards the achievement of your goals for your well-being and future by creating comprehensive psychotherapy, counselling or clinical treatment plans.

Comprehensive service
Our team of collaborative clinicians spans psychology, social work, registered psychotherapists, neuropsychology, and soon will include dietetics, S-LP, and OT.
With a team approach, your needs can be met all in one place. Our downtown Toronto psychology clinic is located at 600 Sherbourne Street, Suite 312, Toronto, ON (South of Bloor Street on Sherbourne Street). For your convenience, our North York psychologists practice at 137 Finch Avenue West, North York, ON (West of Yonge Street on Finch Avenue)
Integrative methods
We follow the research and value the history; integrating cutting edge therapeutic methods and strong evidence-based approaches with the aim of providing accessible, as well as culturally- and community-responsive care throughout the Toronto area.

A Collaborative Team by your side
We will walk alongside you, assisting you to be an agentic partner in navigating challenges, relationships, and systems towards the achievement of your goals.
We will work in collaboration with your existing service providers, circle of care team, and community support network towards the facilitation of your comprehensive care through your community, academic, workplace, or health-related needs and goals.
We can collaborate with your medical teams, psychiatry, school and educational settings, accessibility services, employers and human resources, OHIP, private insurance providers, child protection services, legal representatives, justice and police services, etc.
Demonstrated excellence
We are an internship and practicum student training site for universities like the University of Toronto, York University, Toronto Metropolitan University, Fielding University, The University of Western Ontario, and The University of Guelph.
We provide specialized training and supervision to candidates for registration as psychologists, psychological associates and psychotherapists.
With connections to the research community, Step Stone Psychology participates in leading-edge research. Members of the senior team have cross-appointments and affiliations with major universities, research, and healthcare centres.

Toronto Psychology Office
600 Sherbourne Street, Suite 312
North York Psychology Office
137 Finch Avenue W
416-551-7284 (PATH)
Fax: (844) 966-0732